SMSGatewayCenter provides detailed statuses in Delivery Reports to help you understand the delivery outcome of your bulk SMS messages. These statuses are categorized into two main types: Status and Reason, along with specific error codes for failed deliveries. Here’s what they mean:
- Status:
- Success (Delivered): The message was successfully delivered to the recipient’s handset.
- Failed: The message delivery failed for one or more reasons, detailed in the “Reason” or error code.
- Reason:
- Submitted: The message has been submitted to the operator, and we are awaiting the actual delivery status.
- Pending: The message is still being processed within our system, undergoing validation before being sent to the operator.
- Delivered: The message was successfully delivered to the recipient’s device.
- Failed Errors: For failed deliveries, specific error codes are provided, which you can map to understand the issue. Common reasons include:
- DND: The recipient’s number is on the Do Not Disturb list.
- Inbox Full: The recipient’s inbox is full.
- Network Error: A connectivity issue with the operator’s network.
- Out of Coverage Area: The recipient’s device is outside network coverage.
- Template Mismatch: The message template doesn’t match DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) requirements.
- Unknown Number: The recipient’s number is invalid or unrecognized.
- Absent Subscriber: The recipient’s device is unreachable or turned off.
You can view a complete list of delivery error codes and their meanings in our Delivery Error Codes Reference.
These statuses and reasons help you troubleshoot issues and ensure reliable message delivery.