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Bulk SMS Sender ID Codes

Bulk Sms SenderWhen we send or receive bulk SMS on our mobile phone, we always get Sender ID which begins with 2 Alpha characters prefixed to each and every bulk SMS message. What is this and why do we get that? Well, TRAI has categorized in such a way to identify sent bulk SMS message and the sender details. By this, operator would easily understand to trace or identify the bulk SMS user.

Let us understand in detail on this and grab the codes too, eh.

For example, we receive SMS from our bank, let us take ICICI, when we receive then the sender id would be like this TD-ICICIB. So, here we are discussing on the first two characters of the sender id, that is TD. T as in Tata Teleservices, hence this is a Telecom Operator Code and D as in Delhi, hence this is Regional Code.

We have listed major Telecom Operator Codes and Regional Codes to understand better.

Trace Bulk SMS Sender

Would you like to Trace Bulk SMS Sender?

Bulk SMS Sender ID Codes

Following table is of Telecom Operator Code.  

Provider Code
Airtel A
Datacom Solutions C
Aircel D
Reliance Telecom E
HFCL Infotel H
Idea Cellular I
BPL Mobile/Loop Telecom L
Spice Telecom P
HFCL Infotel/Videocon Q
Reliance Communications R
S tel S
Tata Teleservices T
Unitech Group U
Vodafone Group V
Swan Telecom W
Shyam Telecom Y
Following is the table of Regional Code.  

Region Code
Andhra Pradesh A
Bihar B
Delhi D
UP-East E
Gujarat G
Haryana H
Himachal Pradesh I
Jammu & Kashmir J
Kolkata K
Kerala L
Mumbai M
North East N
Orissa O
Punjab P
Rajasthan R
Assam S
Tamil Nadu T
West Bengal V
UP-West W
Karnataka X
Madhya Pradesh Y
Maharashtra Z

Now, you know, when ever you get an SMS and to know them, you can always reference this tables.

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SMS Gateway Center Desk

SMS Gateway Center is one of the largest and leading SMS Provider in India. It is run by a large professional team to cater small companies to large corporate companies. SMS Gateway Center is associated with the best operators in India covering the entire states in India. SMS Gateway Center has been serving through its SMS Resellers in more than 20 states in India. To become our SMS Reseller, kindly contact us

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