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DLT Content Templates Scrubbing Extended Until Further Notice

DLT Operators had announced that the DLT content template content scrubbing would go live from 1st February 2021. Telecom operators cited inability of nearly half of businesses are not ready to comply with SMS content templates regulation to go LIVE. Hence telecom operators have pushed back until further notice.

As per telecom companies, close to fifty percent of companies including banks, financial institutions and government agencies has not yet adopted the new DLT system which checks for spam SMS traffic.

List DLT templates

We request all our customers to keep adding their content templates (guide to add DLT templates with operator) and get their templates approved and get DLT template ID received. And as per this article, please keep adding your templates in SMSGatewayCenter portal for smooth transactions when system go LIVE.

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SMS Gateway Center Desk

SMS Gateway Center is one of the largest and leading SMS Provider in India. It is run by a large professional team to cater small companies to large corporate companies. SMS Gateway Center is associated with the best operators in India covering the entire states in India. SMS Gateway Center has been serving through its SMS Resellers in more than 20 states in India. To become our SMS Reseller, kindly contact us

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