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How to Set up Webhook for SMS DLR?

When you send SMS using UI, SMS API or SMPP, you can receive real time DLR to your webhook. When specific events occur, SMS Gateway Center may send your web application an HTTP request, these requests are called Webhooks or status callbacks.

Set up Webhook for SMS DLR

What is Delivery Reporting (DLR)?

Delivery reporting is a function of SMS MT that updates users on the status of each SMS message’s delivery.

You might wish to check to see if an SMS that your application transmits via SMS Gateway Center got successfully delivered. Let’s see how you can configure webhook to receive SMS status over HTTP requests.

Login to your account and go to Sidebar MenuBulk SMSSMS DLR Callback Settings

On the top right, click on Create. Fill the required field as suggested below:

Standard Parameters

Webhook Server Send Method: You can select POST, GET, JSON or XML method to receive HTTP requests.

Webhook (URL Endpoint): Add your application endpoint. Example: https://mysite.com/receiveDLR.

For parameters, you can specify your own desired parameters.

Transaction ID Parameter: You will receive the transaction ID of the specific SMS message sent.

Message ID Parameter: This is a unique message ID.

Error Code Parameter: Error code will be sent in this parameter, you can see all our error codes in our SMS API Documentation and map accordingly.

Mobile Number Parameter: Mobile number will be shared in this parameter.

Received Time Parameter: Our application received time value will be shared in this.

Delivered Time Parameter: Operator delivered time value will be shared in this.

Custom Parameters

You can add your static additional custom parameters by toggling the same.

Custom Headers

You can add your static additional headers by toggling the same. This you can use it for security such as token or key.

Click on Test Webhook, if you would like to test the HTTP request sample. Once satisfied, click on Save Changes.

SMS Webhook

That’s the end of configuration of SMS Webhook to receive SMS Status Updates using Webhook.

If you need any assistance, please contact us.

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SMS Gateway Center Desk

SMS Gateway Center is one of the largest and leading SMS Provider in India. It is run by a large professional team to cater small companies to large corporate companies. SMS Gateway Center is associated with the best operators in India covering the entire states in India. SMS Gateway Center has been serving through its SMS Resellers in more than 20 states in India. To become our SMS Reseller, kindly contact us

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