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Permission based Sms Services, Opt-In Sms Services in India

Sms is a primary tool in mobile marketing because it is widely used by consumers and suppliers as Communication Tool. To reach the target audience with existing government regulations, it would be a concern to reach your target audinece…

What would be the ethical way to communicate through Sms?
The ethical way would be to send sms to recipient’s mobile number with his/her permission, hence that becomes Permission based Sms Services or Opt-In Sms Services.

To communicate with your targeted audience, Opt-In Sms Service is the best solution to ensure TRAI compliance in an uniterrupted way.

SmsGatewayCenter.com introduces Permission based Sms Service in India.




Learn how it works…

You will be provided with an opt-in account.
Recipients’s will opt-in through sms and they stored in as a group.
You can send informative sms to your opt-in group even though they are registered as Do Not Disturb.
Recipients’s will have complete freedom to opt-out from the group and stop receiving your sms messages.

Benefits of Sms Gateway Center‘s Opt-in Sms Service.
Smses which are sent to opt-in group will be considered as “Transactional”
So, there are no Interconnectivity charges of 5 paisa per sms.
Sms Messages will be delivered on NCPR registered numbers only if they opt-in for your sms service.

Stay engaged with your targeted audience and serve them better.

Good Luck…

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SMS Gateway Center Desk

SMS Gateway Center is one of the largest and leading SMS Provider in India. It is run by a large professional team to cater small companies to large corporate companies. SMS Gateway Center is associated with the best operators in India covering the entire states in India. SMS Gateway Center has been serving through its SMS Resellers in more than 20 states in India. To become our SMS Reseller, kindly contact us

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