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How Schedule Bulk SMS will Help your Business?

If you remain over the receiving end of any SMS during midnight hours or busy in any important meeting, you would obviously appreciate the new concept of bulk SMS marketing. Fastest moving technological world is consistently bringing forth large numbers of new developments. This statement is true, in case of each sector or industry and even for varieties of personal use equipments such as cell phones. Innovation in technology itself has lead to the new concept of schedule SMS in the mobile communication sector.

Overview on the Schedule SMS Feature


Schedule SMS Gateway


Schedule SMS is one of the best services which are provided from bulk SMS providers. In fact, the feature has embraced widely in between large numbers of people. This service helps individuals not only in drafting of SMS, but also in programming of it for sending it at specific time. In this way, a person can deliver the message later, time based on convenience of recipient rather than sending them immediately during odd hours.

Schedule SMS lets users to key the future time and date, which they want the message to deliver at any specific date as well as time. Service helps in delivery of various messages, which include text-only SMS, Unicode, text combined with suitable graphics, like entries and calendars, OTA images, contact lists and bookmark entries of WAP. Once any message delivers to any receiver at deferred time, it would appear as any other type of message without any indication that an individual has drafted and scheduled it to send others later.

Scheduling of SMS Messages for Different People

Since the introduction of this concept in the mobile communication sector, large numbers of professionals have obtained plenty of benefits via text scheduling activities. You may understand this based on examples mentioned here.

Business Owners

If you are an owner of a business venture seeking potential customers to supply your product offers, you may choose for Schedule SMS option to send messages explaining about your product features, specialties and significance, along with discounts and special offers.

Charitable Trusts

With the help of text-schedules option, owners and managers of various charitable trusts can send SMS related to daily quotes to other members of the charity organization. Based on daily quotes and texts, organizational members will become able to bring drastic improvements associated with charitable funds.

Branded Manufacturers
If this is not enough, Schedule SMS activity is also beneficial for manufacturers of branded handsets, like Samsung, Nokia and similar others. With the help of text scheduling activity, personnel working under aforementioned companies can send regular SMS to their customers for announcement of lucrative schemes.

Individuals Stay Outside of Time Zone

One more benefit associated with this type of facility is that it sends messages to individuals staying outside of their own time zones. Instead of irritating any individual by sending messages during late night or midnight hours, now scheduling of messages is possible, so that they are delivered at convenient time i.e. as per the local time of recipients.

Therefore, scheduling of SMS has become the prime need of business owners and other individuals.

You want to check out the live demo for Scheduling SMS, please contact us.

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SMS Gateway Center Desk

SMS Gateway Center is one of the largest and leading SMS Provider in India. It is run by a large professional team to cater small companies to large corporate companies. SMS Gateway Center is associated with the best operators in India covering the entire states in India. SMS Gateway Center has been serving through its SMS Resellers in more than 20 states in India. To become our SMS Reseller, kindly contact us

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