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URL Whitelisting for SMS Messages Starting October 1, 2024

From October 1st, 2024, telecom operators will begin implementing a strict policy for scrubbing message content containing URLs. Any URL that is not pre-approved or whitelisted will result in the bulk SMS message being blocked by the operators. To ensure smooth delivery of your messages, it’s essential to follow the URL whitelisting guidelines provided below.

Bulk SMS Messages URL Whitelisting

URL Whitelisting Process

Static URL Whitelisting:

  • URLs must start with http://, https://, or www.
  • Example: https://www.yourcompany.com/products
  • The URL should not include query strings (e.g., ?).
  • Redirect URLs will be rejected during the approval process.

Dynamic URL Whitelisting:

  • Dynamic URLs must start with http://, https://, or www.
  • Only whitelist the static part of the URL up to the ?.
  • Example: https://www.yourcompany.com/products?src=web should be submitted as https://www.yourcompany.com/products?
  • URLs that redirect will be rejected.

Short URL Whitelisting:

  • Short URLs must start with http://, https://, or www.
  • Example: https://cmp.ly/HEADER/abc123 – Here, https://cmp.ly/HEADER/ should be whitelisted.
  • For SMS Gateway Center users, whitelist short URLs as https://sgc.im/HEADER/, where HEADER is your template header.

App URL Whitelisting:

  • URLs must end with .apk for Android apps or .ipa for iOS apps.
  • Example: https://www.company.com/app/appname.apk or https://www.company.com/app/appname.ipa
  • URLs that redirect will be rejected.

Social/OTT URL Whitelisting:

  • URLs must start with http://, https://, or www.
  • Example: https://instagram.com/company
  • Redirect URLs will be rejected.

For any queries or assistance with the whitelisting process, please contact us at contact@smsgatewaycenter.com.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do I whitelist a dynamic URL that doesn’t end with a ??
    • Only the part of the URL ending with a ? will be considered dynamic. If it ends differently, use a URL shortener.
  2. What if a dynamic URL has variable values before the ??
    • The URL will be considered static. Whitelist only the part up to the ?.
  3. Can dynamic URLs end with / instead of ??
    • No, only URLs ending with ? are considered dynamic.
  4. How do I whitelist a short URL?
    • Include the static portion of the URL along with the template header.
  5. Can I use multiple headers with one template?
    • Each header needs a separate short URL for whitelisting.
  6. Are third-party URL shorteners like Bitly and Cuttly allowed?
    • Yes, provided they start with http://, https://, or www and end with your template header.
  7. What happens if the short URL exceeds 30 characters after adding the header and variable?
    • The final URL must not exceed 30 characters. Adjust the short URL accordingly.
  8. How do I whitelist URLs using SMSGatewayCenter’s shortening feature?
    • Whitelist https://sgc.im/HEADER/, where HEADER matches your template header.
  9. Are static or dynamic URLs that redirect allowed?
    • No, redirect URLs will not be considered for whitelisting.
  10. How do I whitelist a dynamic short URL?
    • The operator will scrub the URL up to the header. For example, https://cmp.ny/HEADER/abc123 should be whitelisted as https://cmp.ny/HEADER/.
  11. Will the October 1st, 2024 deadline for URL whitelisting be extended?
    • Currently, there is no indication of an extension.
  12. Does the deadline apply to callback numbers and email addresses?
    • No, the deadline is only for URL whitelisting. The deadline for callback numbers and email addresses is not yet set.
  13. Do we need to whitelist URLs with all operators?
    • Whitelisting with one operator will suffice. It will sync with the DLT platform and be shared across all operators.
  14. How do we pre-tag URLs to pre-registered templates?
    • Once a CTA is whitelisted, it will automatically apply across all existing and new templates.
  15. Is there any impact if the message content does not contain a URL?
    • No, only messages with URLs (CTA) will be affected.
  16. What is the turnaround time (TAT) for URL whitelisting?
    • The expected timeline is 24 to 48 working hours post-submission.
  17. Do we need to take any action on existing SMS templates with variables instead of links?
    • No further action is required after the CTA is whitelisted with the DLT operators.
  18. If we use Vodafone/BSNL DLT’s URL shortening service, will the URL be shortened further on the SMSGatewayCenter platform?
    • No. All short URLs should contain the header linked to the template.
  19. Are www or https mandatory when whitelisting URLs?
    • Yes, all URLs must start with www, http://, or https:// for whitelisting.
  20. What if we have more than 5 URLs for whitelisting on Airtel’s DLT portal?
    • Airtel allows up to 5 URLs at a time. Additional URLs can be submitted in batches of 5.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure your messages are delivered without interruption. Stay compliant and keep your communications flowing smoothly! For any assistance, please reach out to our support team at support@smsgatewaycenter.com.

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How to Whitelist CTA Documents: A Step-by-Step Guide for BSNL Portal

How to Whitelist CTA Documents: A Step-by-Step Guide for VI Portal

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SMS Gateway Center Desk

SMS Gateway Center is one of the largest and leading SMS Provider in India. It is run by a large professional team to cater small companies to large corporate companies. SMS Gateway Center is associated with the best operators in India covering the entire states in India. SMS Gateway Center has been serving through its SMS Resellers in more than 20 states in India. To become our SMS Reseller, kindly contact us

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