
Authentication is a crucial step in securely accessing the API. This section provides comprehensive information on how to authenticate your API requests effectively using login credentials. To ensure the security and integrity of your communication, follow the guidelines outlined below.

Login Credentials (Required Parameters):

To authenticate your API requests, you have two options: using userid-password or utilizing an userid-apiKey. You should choose one of these methods for authentication.

Using userid and password:

  • userid: Your Registered Username
  • Description: This parameter refers to your registered username and should be included in the API request. It acts as an identifier for your account.
  • password: Your Password
  • Description: This parameter represents your password associated with the registered account. If your password contains special characters, make sure to urlencode it before including it in the request.

Using apiKey:

  • apiKey: Your Unique apiKey
  • userid: Your Registered Username
  • Description: The apiKey is a unique and confidential identifier linked to your account. This method of authentication is recommended when you prefer not to use userid and password in the request. Unlike userid and password, apiKey should be sent as an HTTP header.

Important Notes:

  • If you choose to use apiKey for authentication, it must be included as an HTTP header. Do not disclose your apiKey to anyone, as it provides access to your account and data.
  • You can obtain your apiKey from your user control panel. It serves as a secure alternative to userId and password and is commonly used in scenarios where these credentials are not suitable.

Authentication Procedure:

  1. Choose the authentication method that best suits your needs: userid-password or userid-apiKey.
  2. If you opt for userid-password:
  • Include the userid and password parameters in the API request.
  • Ensure that the password is urlencoded if it contains special characters.
  1. If you opt for apiKey:
  • Retrieve your apiKey from your user control panel.
  • Send the apiKey as an HTTP header while making the API request along with userid parameter

Effective authentication is crucial to maintain the security of your API requests. By following the guidelines above, you can seamlessly integrate the API into your applications and systems, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your communication.

Login Credentials (Required Parameters)
Authenticate your API request using userId-password or apiKey. You should use either one to authenticate your login.
userIdYour Registered UsernameThe registered username parameter to be passed. You can use this if apiKey is not being used.
passwordYour passwordThe password needs to be urlencoded if there are any special characters used in the password field. You can use this if apiKey is not being used.
apiKeyYour unique apiKeyapiKey needs to be sent as HTTP header when you are not using userId and password credentials. You can avail this from your user control panel and use instead of userId and password HTTP Request parameter. Please do not disclose this to anyone.

Basic Auth API Documentation

This API documentation outlines the usage of the Basic Auth API provided by The API requires Basic Authentication for token generation and uses Bearer Token for sending messages. Please follow the guidelines below to integrate and utilize this API effectively.

Generate Token

To generate a token, you need to use Basic Authentication, with the username and password encoded in base64 format. Here’s how you can do it using the curl command:

Example: (username:password) encoded in base64 format

We have encoded in base64 format for “testusername:testpassword” in this example, and it encodes with value “dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA==”. You have to set this in header as shown below



curl --location --request POST '' 
--header 'Authorization: Basic <strong>dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA</strong>==' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "status": "success",
    "token": "YaFljBZQUQbTLkeOHIYpNX_hxvh-XwP1rGK52qbhxB0NyzjTWfysBHowoeY9Aju-ElVgeInxyE_wR_JfHSfuCEqec9K8dVZCaDmdqsr9fPlEMzqMQmKiUvexuQhj3CGRbDwQbH0XYkY0wwo1Vw3LvMe6XgUJglgVUSkhLZHKlMvTcceIdIMJWPIwrRzC3GQSGku3l19lZdvY-x-90ybVAf6mscNyV_B6S0mjnEKHfR1pFT4U3yl48Sva9CU9fQGUA_FI3z33Ln4=",
    "expires_after": "2023-08-19 14:26:38",
    "statusCode": "200",
    "reason": "success"

Send Message using Basic Auth API



curl --location ''
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YaFljBZQUQbTLkeOHIYpNX_hxvh-XwP1rGK52qbhxB0NyzjTWfysBHowoeY9Aju-ElVgeInxyE_wR_JfHSfuCEqec9K8dVZCaDmdqsr9fPlEMzqMQmKiUvexuQhj3CGRbDwQbH0XYkY0wwo1Vw3LvMe6XgUJglgVUSkhLZHKlMvTcceIdIMJWPIwrRzC3GQSGku3l19lZdvY-x-90ybVAf6mscNyV_B6S0mjnEKHfR1pFT4U3yl48Sva9CU9fQGUA_FI3z33Ln4='
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=vqesuvvstg507qs22p3f60s0mo; SERVERID=webC1; SERVERNAME=s1'
--form 'userid="yourusername"'
--form 'mobile="919999999999"'
--form 'senderid="SENDRID"'
--form 'dltEntityId="11xxxxxx"'
--form 'msg="Hello world, this is a test sms"'
--form 'sendMethod="quick"'
--form 'msgType="text"'
--form 'output="json"'
--form 'duplicatecheck="true"'


    "status": "success",
    "mobile": "919999999999",
    "invalidMobile": "",
    "transactionId": "440373123777053194",
    "statusCode": "200",
    "reason": "success",
    "msgId": ""

Please note that the provided token expires after the indicated expires_after date. Make sure to handle token expiration and generate a new token when needed.

For further assistance or inquiries, please contact us.

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