Send SMS Group

Send SMS Group for SMSGatewayCenter APIs

Introduction to SMSGatewayCenter APIs

Welcome to SMSGatewayCenter’s API documentation hub! This guide helps you send SMS to groups using our powerful Send SMS Group API, part of our messaging suite including SMS API for bulk messaging, WhatsApp Business API for customer engagement, Voice Call API for automated alerts, and Two-Way SMS API for interactive communication. Our API supports POST and GET methods over HTTP, offering scalability for single or comma-separated groups. Ideal for developers in India, start integrating with our SMS gateway at!

Send SMS to your groups efficiently, targeting single groups or comma-separated lists. Include country codes for international messaging to ensure global reach. This endpoint enhances your bulk SMS campaigns with real-time delivery reports and Unicode support, perfect for notifications or marketing.


API Endpoint


Required Parameters
Login Credentials (Required)
Authenticate your API request using userid-password or apiKey—choose one method.
useridYour Registered UsernameYour registered username; use if apiKey isn’t provided. Signup for User ID
passwordYour PasswordURL-encoded password (for special characters); use if apiKey isn’t provided. Signup for API Key
Header (optional) Parameters
apiKeyYour unique apiKeyapiKey needs to be sent as HTTP header when you are not using userid-password method. You can avail this from your user control panel and use instead of userid-password HTTP Request parameter. Please do not disclose this to anyone.
Required Parameters
sendMethodgroupMethod needs to be defined as group to send SMS to groups.
groupgroup1%2Cgroup2You can either use group ids or names in comma separated formats.
msgHello WorldYour message content.
senderidSENDERYour registered and approved sender name,
msgTypeunicode|textunicode for regional and text for English message content.
outputplain|json|plainValue for response format.System default is plain. If you need responses in json or plain then you have to give value as json or plain.
Optional Parameters
duplicatechecktrue|falseEnable to remove duplicate mobile numbers. Default is true.
scheduleTimeSchedule TimeDate format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
trackLinktrue|falseEnable true to track links from your SMS content.
smartLinkTitleTitle for the link trackingA brief title to recognise your smart link campaign.
testMessagetrue|falseEnable true to test your message and messages wont be delivered when enabled true.


Sample Request Code

	$curl = curl_init();
	curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
		CURLOPT_URL => "",
		CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "userid=YourUsername&password=YourPassword&&sendMethod=group&group=group1%2Cgroup2&msg=Hello+World&senderid=SENDER&msgType=text&duplicatecheck=true&output=json",
			"cache-control: no-cache",
			"content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

	$response = curl_exec($curl);
	$err = curl_error($curl);


	if ($err) {
		echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
	} else {
		echo $response;


Sample Response Code
  "status": "success",
  "group": "63",
  "transactionId": "8359251506264886974",
  "statusCode": "200",
  "reason": "success"
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Why do Great Businesses Trust SMS Gateway Center?


Kurlon IT


We have tied up with other SMS providers also, but SMS GatewayCenter is quite good. Good Service from the team. We are very happy with the service be it accounts related or technical issue. We always get good response.


INOX Air Products


We have an excellent experience with SMS Gateway Center. The services and support has been of very high standard.


Rohit Singh Rawat


It is the best SMS gateway to send bulk messages. It's the best and easiest way to reach out to your goals... Planning is everything to attain goal and adding SMS Gateway Center in that plan will definitely help in accomplishing goals... Thanks to the developers...


Anil Singh


We have an excellent experience with SMS Gateway Center. The services and support has been of very high standard.