Send Quick WhatsApp for SMSGatewayCenter APIs

Introduction to SMSGatewayCenter APIs

Welcome to SMSGatewayCenter’s API documentation hub! This guide introduces the Send WhatsApp Message API, a key component of our messaging suite, including SMS API for bulk messaging, WhatsApp Business API for customer engagement, Voice Call API for automated alerts, and Two-Way SMS API for interactive communication. This API supports only POST methods over HTTP, enabling you to send personalized WhatsApp messages using templates. Ideal for developers in India, integrate with our SMS gateway at!

Use the Send WhatsApp Message API to deliver real-time order updates or notifications (e.g., order dispatch details with variables like order number, delivery time, and status link) via WhatsApp. This endpoint enhances your bulk messaging strategy with secure, template-based communication and high deliverability.


API Endpoint


useridYesYour SMSGatewayCenter username for authentication.yourusername
passwordYesYour SMSGatewayCenter password for authentication (masked in the example).**********
msgYesThe message content, including variables like for dynamic content (e.g., order details).Your order no. has been dispatched...
wabaNumberYesWABA Number (e.g., WhatsApp Business Number) to send the message from.9170396xxxxx
mobileYesThe recipient’s mobile number (in international format, starting with country code).919xxxxxxxxx6
sendMethodYesThe method to send the message (e.g., quick for immediate sending).quick|group|file
msgTypeYesThe type of message (e.g., text for plain text messages).text|media
templateNameYesThe name of the pre-approved WhatsApp template to use for the message.demo_order
outputYesThe format of the response (e.g., JSON).json
headerOptionalThe header text for the WhatsApp message (e.g., order-related identifier).Order DEMO
footerOptionalThe footer text for the WhatsApp message (e.g., website URL or disclaimer)
scheduletimeOptionalAdd your schedule Timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.2025-03-08 06:51
buttonsPayloadOptionalButton Payload in JSON format. This value will return in reply.
"button1": "Hello_button1",
"button2": "Hello_button2",
"button3": "Hello_button3"
Dynamic URL Button (Action Button)
buttonUrlPathOptionalDynamic Button URL path./photo/products/
Media Message Parameters (msgType=media)
mediaIdYesId to pickup media from system. Get this from Media Library in panel.7861287
mediaTypeYesType of media which you are sending in the message.image|video|document
OR (Send by media id or direct URL)
mediaUrlYesMedia URL incase of media is hosted on publicly accisible url.
if mediaType is document.
documentNameOptionalName of the document.test.pdf
if sendMethod is group.
groupYesGroup Name or ID in comma separated values.group1,group2
if sendMethod is file.
fileYesYour file with valid extension and path.test.csv

Note: If you are sending Session based message, then send open message and remove templateName parameter. If its in session then the message will get delivered.


Sample Request Code

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('userid' => 'YourUsername','password' => '********','msg' => 'Your order no. {#var#} has been dispatched. Expected to arrive within {#var#} day. Click to view status {#var#} - Demo Message. SMS Gateway Center','wabaNumber' => '9170396xxxxx','output' => 'json','mobile' => '919xxxxxxxxx6','sendMethod' => 'quick','msgType' => 'text','templateName' => 'demo_order','header' => 'Order DEMO','footer' => ''),
    'Cookie: SERVERID=webC1'

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;


Sample Response Code
    "status": "success",
    "messageId": "1234567890",
    "mobile": "919xxxxxxxxx6",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "description": "Message sent successfully"
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Why do Great Businesses Trust SMS Gateway Center?


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INOX Air Products


We have an excellent experience with SMS Gateway Center. The services and support has been of very high standard.


Rohit Singh Rawat


It is the best SMS gateway to send bulk messages. It's the best and easiest way to reach out to your goals... Planning is everything to attain goal and adding SMS Gateway Center in that plan will definitely help in accomplishing goals... Thanks to the developers...


Anil Singh


We have an excellent experience with SMS Gateway Center. The services and support has been of very high standard.