SMS Order Alert Notification for Magento 2 SMS Extension
Magento ranks 3rd when it comes to its usage by Store owners across the world. Magento is recognised for its prominence and feature-rich open source E-Commerce platform in the world. Many Magento 1 eCommerce stores has been migrating / upgrading to Magento 2 because of its uniqueness and easement.
Magento 2 SMS Order Notification Extension
SMSGatewayCenter SMS Order Notification Extension will allow you to send SMS Alerts automatically for orders placed in Magento 2 E-Commerce platform. Buyers and Admin both can receive SMS alerts after buyers order is placed on Magento 2 E-Commerce platform.
All SMS Order Notification text can be customized from Magento 2 admin panel. SMSGatewayCenter SMS Order Notification Extension is completely free to use with Magento 2 with all the features included.
Features of Magento 2 SMS Order Notification Module
- Domestic and International SMS via SMS Gateway Center API.
- Send SMS alerts for every event when customer places an order.
- Fully Customizable SMS Message content for each status text message from Magento 2 admin panel.
- Dynamic shortcodes are available on Magento 2 Configuration page.
- Well tested with Magento Version 2 and above.
Magento 2 Call-To-Action Events
Option to choose the selected events to send out SMS on specified events. You could even add your own SMS message content for specific events by adding various shortcode variables for the store.
- Client Address Registration Message.
- Order Placed Message.
- Order On Hold Message.
- Order Unhold Message.
- Order Canceled Message.
- Order Invoice Process Message.
- Order Shipped Message.
Available ShortCodes
You can use the following short codes within the message content and the same gets replaces dynamically.
- {firstName}
- {lastName}
- {itemName}
- {orderId}
- {itemPrice}
The message templates are completely configurable from the Stores -> Configuration page. You can enable and disable the each available template.
SMSGatewayCenter Magento 2 SMS Alerts Plug-in Installation
Go to your Magento 2 root directory and run the following command:
composer require smsgatewaycenter/magento2-sms-alert-notifications
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Module Configurations can be found in the Magento 2 admin panel under:
Stores Configuration SMS Gateway Center SMS API Configuration.
You can set SMP API Auth and other parameters such as API End Point, Sender ID, and Message Type.
Stores Configuration SMS Gateway Center Admin Configuration.
You can enable to edit message templates from this section.
Ready to get your Magento 2 SMS Extension for your Store? Contact us now