Google Verified SMS
Reach out to your Customers with Trusted SMS over the Business SMS Messages with Google's Verified SMS
What is
Verified SMS?
Google has enabled Enterprises and Companies to be verified for the SMS messages sent on Android. Google has implemented this to improve customer experience and make text messages much secure.

In this digital era, every business needs to develop a strategy to gain trust by their customers. As SMS medium is more popular and widely used worldwide, businesses need to stand out and provide greater confidence that their existence/brand is trustable.

Brand Awareness
Google has designed and offering Verified SMS for Business / Enterprise to help you create your brand awareness with your brand name, logo, slogan, verified badge, link previews, etc. Recipients always value your messages when received via Verified SMS.

Secured Messaging
Every message is validated twice, once from SMSGatewayCenter and once from Google with encryption. Google does not see your message content at all and messages are confirmed through encryption, so you should know, your messages are delivered securely.
Make your business messages verified and trusted. Contact us!